How old is Nessa Barrett?

Nessa Barrett was born on 6 August 2002.
Nessa Barrett is 21 years old.

How old is Nessa Barrett in days now?

Nessa Barrett is 21 years 8 months 20 days old.
Total 7,934 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nessa Barrett?

Nessa Barrett's next birthday is in 3 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nessa Barrett?

Zodiac sign of Nessa Barrett is Leo.

Nessa Barrett is a TikTok sensation and a lovely young lady who has been running her channel for a few years. She was born in 2002 in the US and was raised by her parents, alongside her brother. Her family is of Puerto Rican origin. In her childhood, her only passion was dancing and Nessa had a huge number of classes and training sessions in mastering plenty of styles. In the mid 2010s she became a huge fan of social media and opened her TikTok channel where she started posting hilarious lip-syncing videos and her covers of some popular songs. Nessa has managed to attract her first million of subscribers really fast, and currently (as of the mid 2023) there are over 19 million followers of her channel. She used to date Josh Richards, another famous TikTok star, but their relationship didn't last long. Nessa Barrett is considered to be one of the most successful TikTokers of the late 2010s.

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