How old is Nick Eh 30?

Nick Eh 30 was born on 14 March 1995.
Nick Eh 30 is 29 years old.

How old is Nick Eh 30 in days now?

Nick Eh 30 is 29 years 10 months 26 days old.
Total 10,925 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nick Eh 30?

Nick Eh 30's next birthday is in 1 month 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nick Eh 30?

Zodiac sign of Nick Eh 30 is Pisces.

Nick Eh 30 is a social media personality and a huge fan of computer game The Last of Us, as well as a charismatic and enthusiastic guy who has bee promoting his channel for quite a few years so far. Born in 1995 in Nova Scotia, he grew up there are made his path on the way to mastering real computer gaming. Hie parents are of Lebanese origins and he is very close with his mum who has appeared on his videos a few times. As a teenager he had one more passion which is martial art, and he used to train in Taekwondo a lot. Later on he achieved a blue belt in that. As a YouTube user, he started sharing videos of PC game playing on his channel in the mid 2010, and since then he has managed to attract over 7 million followers (as of the early 2024). He is also very good at making reaction videos which always attract a large number of views. Nick Eh 30 is also promoting a personal Instagram account of his lovely German shepherd Max which currently has about 100,000 followers.

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