How old is Nicole Skyes?
Nicole Skyes was born on 27 January 1993.
Nicole Skyes is 32 years old.
How old is Nicole Skyes in days now?
Nicole Skyes is 32 years 17 days old.
Total 11,705 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nicole Skyes?
Nicole Skyes's next birthday is in 11 months 14 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nicole Skyes?
Zodiac sign of Nicole Skyes is Aquarius.
Nicole Skyes is a famous YouTuber and beauty specialist whose channel is very popular among the young ladies. She was born in 1993 and opened her first YouTube channel titled NicoleSky123 when she was 14 years old. The videos she started posting to her channel were smart and very interesting for the young people so the number of her followers has been increasing really fast. Nicole is an expert in beauty and spends a lot of time working on various beauty related tutorials, challenges, and so on. She often collaborates with other YouTubers like Chris Monroe (PrankInvasion) and others. As of the early 2025, the number of subscribers of her channel is close to 4.1 million. Nicole Skyes is married to LD Skyes, a famous Instagram star.
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