How old is Nils Kuesel?
Nils Kuesel was born on 5 February 2000.
Nils Kuesel is 25 years old.
How old is Nils Kuesel in days now?
Nils Kuesel is 25 years 1 month 2 days old.
Total 9,162 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nils Kuesel?
Nils Kuesel's next birthday is in 10 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nils Kuesel?
Zodiac sign of Nils Kuesel is Aquarius.
Nils Kuesel is a German TikTok star who is famous for his excellent and hilarious lip-syncing videos that he has been posting on his channel for a few years. Born in 2000 in Germany, he grew up and finished his higher education there. It is known that he attended Leuphana University in Luneburg but dropped out in order to pursue that career in modeling. He also loved traveling and wanted to travel to Chili in the framework of student exchange program. However, instead he stayed in Germany and got busy promoting his TikTok channel which has become really popular for quite a short time. Nils is great at coming up with the ideas and making really great comedy related videos. As of the early 2025, the number of the followers of his TikTok channel is close to 13 million people which is really impressive. Besides, Nils Kuesel can also be found on Instagram where he has about 1.7 million fans.
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