How old is Paige Mackenzie?

Paige Mackenzie was born on 8 February 1983.
Paige Mackenzie is 42 years old.

How old is Paige Mackenzie in days now?

Paige Mackenzie is 42 years 10 days old.
Total 15,351 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Paige Mackenzie?

Paige Mackenzie's next birthday is in 11 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Paige Mackenzie?

Zodiac sign of Paige Mackenzie is Aquarius.

Paige Mackenzie is an American golfer who achieved great success in many international competitions and leagues. She was born in Washington in 1983 and is a graduate from the University of Washington. Paige started her professional career in 2006 and achieved her best shape in 2008. She is a frequent participant of US Women Open, LPGA Championship, Women's British Open, and many other international competitions. Paige Mackenzie is an active sports promoter and a spokeswoman for the National Association of Professional Golfer Women.

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