How old is Peet Montzingo?

Peet Montzingo was born on 2 May 1990.
Peet Montzingo is 33 years old.

How old is Peet Montzingo in days now?

Peet Montzingo is 33 years 11 months 24 days old.
Total 12,413 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Peet Montzingo?

Peet Montzingo's next birthday is in 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Peet Montzingo?

Zodiac sign of Peet Montzingo is Taurus.

Peet Montzingo is a charismatic social media star and a TikToker who has managed to achieve great success within quite a short period of time. Born in 1990 in the state of Washington and grew up in Seattle, alongside his parents and his two siblings. Music and dancing have been his interests since the early age, and when he opened his first social media account in the late 2010s, which turned out to be his TikTok channel, he began sharing his videos of various entertaining topics like lip-syncing, skits, challenges, etc. As of the mid 2022, he can be followed on Instagram and there are over 4.8 million subscribers there. He is a member of a music band called 5west which has recorded a few great hits. Peet Montzingo can be also found and followed on Instagram where his account titled peet5west is currently subscribed by 1.2 million people (as of the mid 2022).

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