How old is RadioJH Audrey?

RadioJH Audrey was born on 2 August 2003.
RadioJH Audrey is 21 years old.

How old is RadioJH Audrey in days now?

RadioJH Audrey is 21 years 2 months 21 days old.
Total 7,753 days old now.

When is the next birthday of RadioJH Audrey?

RadioJH Audrey's next birthday is in 9 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of RadioJH Audrey?

Zodiac sign of RadioJH Audrey is Leo.

RadioJH Audrey is a lovely and cute girl who has been running her YouTube channel where it is possible to find amazing toy reviews. She was born in 2003 in the state of Oregon and spent her childhood in the city of Eugene, alongside her parents and her younger brother who is also a known YouTuber known with his nickname RadioJH Auto. Audrey was the first to start her online activities and she opened her YouTube channel in the early 2010 where, with the help of her parents, she started sharing various toy reviews. Her first videos were focused on her specific toy collections, and later on she moved on with a wide variety of toys. Since the mid 2010s she has been collaborating with some other YouTubers like BrickQueen and so on. Later in the decade she opened another channel called RadioJH Games dedicated to gaming, and as of the mid 2024, there are over one million subscribers on the two channels of hers. RadioJH Audrey is a leader of a small group of young YouTubers who are focused on toy and game reviews.

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