How old is Ranz Kyle?

Ranz Kyle was born on 6 May 1997.
Ranz Kyle is 27 years old.

How old is Ranz Kyle in days now?

Ranz Kyle is 27 years 9 months old.
Total 10,138 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ranz Kyle?

Ranz Kyle's next birthday is in 3 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Ranz Kyle?

Zodiac sign of Ranz Kyle is Taurus.

Ranz Kyle is a dancer and a social media personality known for his YouTube channel. His real name is Ranz Kyle Viniel Evidente Ongsee and he was born in 1997 in the Philippines. He grew up in a large family, alongside his parents and four sisters, and the whole family has been great fans of dancing. Ranz has been seriously interested and trained in dancing since the mid-2000s and when he was 14, he opened his first YouTube channel which she shares with his younger sister Niana. Two young people create and upload videos of their dancing in various settings and various contexts. They are very talented and skilled, not just in dancing but also in choreographing their dances. Currently, as of the mid 2024, there are over 10 million followers of their channel. Ranz Kyle is a member of a dance group Chicser which is very famous in the Philippines.

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