How old is Reese LeRoy?
Reese LeRoy was born on 21 September 2009.
Reese LeRoy is 15 years old.
How old is Reese LeRoy in days now?
Reese LeRoy is 15 years 4 months 19 days old.
Total 5,620 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Reese LeRoy?
Reese LeRoy's next birthday is in 7 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Reese LeRoy?
Zodiac sign of Reese LeRoy is Virgo.
A cute and cheerful YouTube star, Reese LeRoy has recently become famous as one of the members of the LeRoy family. She was born in 2009 in the US and is growing up as a part of quite a large family, alongside her parents Cory LeRoy and Shanna LeRoy, her elder sister Kesley LeRoy and he elder brother Rhett LeRoy. Reese had one more elder brother Logan who died as a baby, and she has a lovely younger sister Perry LeRoy. The family is very friendly, adventurous and creative, so their family vlog on YouTube has an impressive number of followers and fans. Reese LeRoy appears in almost every video and plays a key role in all the activities and fun that the family have. The LeRoys are very close with one more famous family, the Bennetts aka The Ohana Adventure channel owners, and Reese is a very good friend of Eve Bennett.
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