How old is Ronald Williams?

Ronald Williams was born on 30 September 1941. Ronald Williams died on 24 March 2021 at the age of 79 years.

What was the exact age of Ronald Williams?

Ronald Williams's exact age was 79 years 5 months 22 days old. Ronald Williams lived for total 29,030 days.

What would be the age of Ronald Williams if alive?

Ronald Williams's exact age would be 83 years 23 days old if alive. Total 30,339 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ronald Williams?

Zodiac sign of Ronald Williams is Libra.

Ronald Williams was a unique and special TikTok star known as TikTok Grandad for his hilarious comedy related stuff that he has bee posting on his TikTok channels. Born in 1941 in California, he spent most of his life there. He began appearing on various online platforms in the early 2010s, starting from (now TikTok) and ending with Instagram and YouTube. His cute looks and amazing sense of humor helped his to win hearts of millions of young people around the world, and thus he proved that you don't have to be young to become an iconic TikToker. His trademark move was eating jelly candies in many of his videos. He used to call his followers 'grandkids" and used to teach them how to be themselves. For the moment of his death in March 2021, Ronald Williams had over 8 million followers on his TikTok channel. Since then, the channel has been run by his grateful grandson Ryan Adams.

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