How old is Sa Nguyen?

Sa Nguyen was born on 20 April 2005.
Sa Nguyen is 19 years old.

How old is Sa Nguyen in days now?

Sa Nguyen is 19 years 9 months 18 days old.
Total 7,233 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sa Nguyen?

Sa Nguyen's next birthday is in 2 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sa Nguyen?

Zodiac sign of Sa Nguyen is Taurus.

A lovely TikTok star, Sa Nguyen is known for her entertaining vlog videos, as well as some interesting content dedicated to her eating habits and healthy eating. She was born in 2005 in the USA and was brought up in a family of Vietnamese origins, alongside her elder brother. She was a very outgoing and lovely girl who had a lot of friends and loved enjoying this life to the fullest as a child. Just like most of the people of the modern times, she got active on social media networking sites and began sharing plenty of videos of her daily routines, her school life, fun with friends, some challenges, and such. Being a great fan of music, Sa often shares the videos of her visiting some music festivals, attending some concerts, or commenting on various musical pieces, starting from classical music and ending up with pop songs. She also often focuses on some food related topics, including some really funny and creative eating challenges. As of April 2024, there are over 3.4 million people following Sa Nguyen's TikTok channel.

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