How old is Sam Dezz?

Sam Dezz was born on 5 December 2001.
Sam Dezz is 22 years old.

How old is Sam Dezz in days now?

Sam Dezz is 22 years 4 months 21 days old.
Total 8,178 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sam Dezz?

Sam Dezz's next birthday is in 7 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sam Dezz?

Zodiac sign of Sam Dezz is Sagittarius.

Sam Dezz is a young Instagram and social media star known for his awesome looks and interesting photos and videos. Born in 2001 in California and grew up alongside his parents and two siblings, a brother and a sister. His childhood was full of fun and positive emotions. Sam loved active lifestyle and also having great time with his friends. He began posting plenty of his personal photos on Instagram in the late 2010s, and shortly after he opened his Twitter and other social media accounts. For the beginning of 2022, there were almost one million followers on his Instagram account. It is possible to see various entertaining videos like lip-syncing, POV or comment videos which are really interesting and unique. Sam Dezz is among the most charismatic and handsome young social media celebrities. As of the mid 2023 he is dating Brooke Monk, a lovely TikTok star.

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