How old is Sarah Grace?

Sarah Grace was born on 13 August 2003.
Sarah Grace is 21 years old.

How old is Sarah Grace in days now?

Sarah Grace is 21 years 5 months 25 days old.
Total 7,849 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sarah Grace?

Sarah Grace's next birthday is in 6 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sarah Grace?

Zodiac sign of Sarah Grace is Leo.

A YouTube star, Sarah Grace is an expert in DIY, beauty, and nail care, with the current fanbase close to 3 million people (as of the summer 2024). She was born Sarah Sanhcez Vega in 2003 in Texas and grew up alongside her four siblings. Sarah started her online activities at the age of only 15. Initially, her video content was focused on more childish things like unboxing, MacBook or smart watch using, some gadget and some simple technology reviews that she would have bought from Wish and other websites. But later on she shifted on more personal care and beauty related topics like nail and hand care, experiments with her look and such. She often mentions different TikTok of YouTube channels like LegitLooksForLife which come as an inspiration for her. Sarah Grace is a growing YouTube star with a great future as a social media influencer.

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