How old is Sekora Alce?
Sekora Alce was born on 1 December 2012.
Sekora Alce is 12 years old.
How old is Sekora Alce in days now?
Sekora Alce is 12 years 2 months 17 days old.
Total 4,462 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sekora Alce?
Sekora Alce's next birthday is in 9 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Sekora Alce?
Zodiac sign of Sekora Alce is Sagittarius.
A lovely YouTube star, Sekora Alce is a part of a family who are popular on a few platforms as beauty and personal image experts. She appears alongside her sister Sefari on their joint channel managed by their mum Nikohl Alce. Sekora was born in 2012 and is growing alongside her sister and her elder brother. The sisters are known on YouTube and Instagram, primarily for their interesting and innovative ideas as to hair styling. Their mum has a passion of experimenting with her daughters' hair and overall appearance which turned out to be really interesting to their fans. Their joint account on Instagram is titled sekoraandsefari which enjoys a large number of views. Their YouTube channel is titled Playtime with Sekora and Sefari, and as of the early 2025 there are over 4.3 million people are subscribed to it. the content by Sefari and Sekora Alce is truly recommended to everyone who is interested in modern world of young teenagers.
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