How old is Semaj Lesley?
Semaj Lesley was born on 5 November 2004.
Semaj Lesley is 20 years old.
How old is Semaj Lesley in days now?
Semaj Lesley is 20 years 3 months 2 days old.
Total 7,399 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Semaj Lesley?
Semaj Lesley's next birthday is in 8 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Semaj Lesley?
Zodiac sign of Semaj Lesley is Scorpio.
Semaj Lesley is a lovely and creative Instagram star who is known for her interesting sketches and choreography. She was born in 2004 in Michigan and spent her childhood in Detroit alongside her family and friends. As a child, she was very outgoing, active, curious, and creative. She used to spend a lot of effort learning to dance, and she was a good student. In the late 2010s she opened her Instagram and Twitter account which she used as the places to upload her cool videos and pictures. In 2018 she opened her YouTube channel as well, but it has never been as popular as her Instagram account. As of the late 2024, the number of the followers of her Instagram account is close to 1.4 million people. Semaj Lesley is dreaming about settling down in Las Vegas and becoming an entrepreneur.
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