How old is Shawn Johnson?

Shawn Johnson was born on 19 January 1992.
Shawn Johnson is 33 years old.

How old is Shawn Johnson in days now?

Shawn Johnson is 33 years 1 month 16 days old.
Total 12,101 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Shawn Johnson?

Shawn Johnson's next birthday is in 10 months 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Shawn Johnson?

Zodiac sign of Shawn Johnson is Capricorn.

Shawn Johnson is an American gymnast and a winner of a few Olympic medals. Born Shawn Michael Johnson East in 1992 in Iowa, she started receiving serious training in gymnastics when she was 3 years old. When Shawn was 6, she became a member of the Liang Chow training team and under his supervision, she continued training during her primary and secondary school times. In 2000 Johnson took part in junior Olympics which was one of her first serious successes. In 2007 she continued her career as a senior and managed to win the World Championship, as well as Pan American games. A year later she took part in the Olympic Games in Beijing which brought her first Olympic Gold. In 2009 she took part in a famous TV show Dancing With the Stars, paired with a famous American choreographer Mark Ballas. After a few years of professional work, in 2013 Shawn Johnson announced her retirement from gymnastics. In 2015 she got married to Andrew East, a professional football player. In 2019 the couple became parents of a lovely daughter. In the early 2020s their two more children came to this world.

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