How old is Solomon Berg?
Solomon Berg was born on 26 November 2001.
Solomon Berg is 23 years old.
How old is Solomon Berg in days now?
Solomon Berg is 23 years 2 months 14 days old.
Total 8,476 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Solomon Berg?
Solomon Berg's next birthday is in 9 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Solomon Berg?
Zodiac sign of Solomon Berg is Sagittarius.
Known as one of the coolest stuntmen and athlete, Solomon Berg is a TikTok star known for his trampoline jumps, acrobatic stunts, and other tricks. He was born in 2001 in Massachusetts and started displaying his sheer interest in gymnastics in a pretty young age. He used to jump and flip when he was a child, but he didn't take any lessons or courses so everything that he can do is self-taught. When he was 11, he started posting various videos and photos of his tricks online, inspired by online activities of his elder sister Affaf Buslach. In the middle of the decade his TikTok channel started becoming really popular, and some of his videos received a few dozens of millions of likes. As of the mid 2024, his channel is followed by over 1.6 million people. Solomon Berg worked closely with a few groups of social media stars like Team Dodo Massachusetts. But some time ago he moved to California and gave a new start to his life. He also has an Instagram channel where it is possible to see some cool photos including the ones with some celebrities like Mike Tyson.
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