How old is SomeThingElseYT?

SomeThingElseYT was born on 17 June 1997.
SomeThingElseYT is 26 years old.

How old is SomeThingElseYT in days now?

SomeThingElseYT is 26 years 10 months 9 days old.
Total 9,810 days old now.

When is the next birthday of SomeThingElseYT?

SomeThingElseYT's next birthday is in 1 month 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of SomeThingElseYT?

Zodiac sign of SomeThingElseYT is Gemini.

SomeThingElseYT is a popular YouTube channel here it is possible to watch cool and unique stuff produced by its owner, Adam Ortiz. Born in 1997 in Arizona, he grew up there alongside his family which includes his parents and two siblings. Since his childhood he has been interested in computer games, computer animation and voice edition. He opened his first YouTube channel in the mid 2014 and initially was using it as a place to upload various gaming related videos. Later on he got more focused on vlogging and writing about his life. Besides, Adam is very good in creating short animated videos which he has been uploading to his channel for some last years. Those short movies helped him to attract about 4.3 million followers (as of the mid 2023). SomeThingElseYT is a great place to find something interesting for everyone who loves animated video stories.

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