How old is spicyycam_?

spicyycam_ was born on 14 February 1995.
spicyycam_ is 29 years old.

How old is spicyycam_ in days now?

spicyycam_ is 29 years 8 months 8 days old.
Total 10,843 days old now.

When is the next birthday of spicyycam_?

spicyycam_'s next birthday is in 3 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of spicyycam_?

Zodiac sign of spicyycam_ is Aquarius.

spicyycam_ is an outstanding TikTok star known for his passion to fast food and spicy food. He was born in 1995 in Texas and spent his childhood in the city of Tyler, alongside his family and good friends. He started his social media activities in the mid 2010s and initially he took part in making videos for a duo with his friend Zach Ury. Together, they used to try to make some comedy content and drunk various soft drinks in order to look cool in front of their viewers. Later on, spicyycam_ moved to TikTok and opened his personal channel which became a place to watch the videos where he tried some really spicy food including some spicy sauces like wasabi, some kinds of peppers, etc. This began bringing him some great success, and one of his videos enjoys over 9 million views. As of the early 2023, the number of his followers is close to 20 million people, and the number has been recently growing quite fast.

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