How old is Stasiavuu?

Stasiavuu was born on 2 January 1998.
Stasiavuu is 26 years old.

How old is Stasiavuu in days now?

Stasiavuu is 26 years 4 months old.
Total 9,617 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Stasiavuu?

Stasiavuu's next birthday is in 8 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Stasiavuu?

Zodiac sign of Stasiavuu is Capricorn.

Statsavuu is a former model and a social media star who is known as a member of the Trap House web group.She was born in 1998 in California and grew up there, alongside her family and friends. Twitter was the first social media platform that she joined, and in the late  2010s she launched her Instagram channel which is the mot popular social media account of hers. As a teenager, she was invited to join a few modelling projects, which was reflected in her Instagram channel content. She is one of the iHeart Raves team and a fashion focused social media star. There is one more important part of her life which is traveling and attending plenty of various festivals and events, and a certain part of her content is focused on her visiting different countries of the world. As of the early 2024, the number of her fans is approaching to one fifth of a million people. Statsavuu can also be found on TikTok among the most growing and the most developing stars of the platform.

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