How old is Stephen Tries?

Stephen Tries was born on 9 July 1995.
Stephen Tries is 28 years old.

How old is Stephen Tries in days now?

Stephen Tries is 28 years 9 months 16 days old.
Total 10,518 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Stephen Tries?

Stephen Tries's next birthday is in 2 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Stephen Tries?

Zodiac sign of Stephen Tries is Cancer.

Stephen Tries is a YouTube star and a comedian from the UK who has got his fame as a creator of great How To sketches. He was born Stephen Larson in 1995 in England and spent his childhood in Merseyside. He became active on YouTube in 2017 and started uploading his videos of various pranks and sketches that he would film together with his friends. Nowadays his videos have become more professional and more popular than before. He started focusing on making How To style videos, with some of them like How To Be Stormzy receiving over a million of hits. Stephen Tries has taken part in online TV series How To which he has been filming together with his friend Danny Dyer. As of the mid 2023, there are about 1.5 million followers on his channel.

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