How old is Tatayanna Mitchell?

Tatayanna Mitchell was born on 24 October 1998.
Tatayanna Mitchell is 25 years old.

How old is Tatayanna Mitchell in days now?

Tatayanna Mitchell is 25 years 6 months 2 days old.
Total 9,316 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tatayanna Mitchell?

Tatayanna Mitchell's next birthday is in 5 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tatayanna Mitchell?

Zodiac sign of Tatayanna Mitchell is Scorpio.

Tatayanna Mitchell is a young Internet celebrity and a popular comedy content creator. Born in 1998 in Detroit, she spent her childhood alongside her sister and parents, as well as numerous friends. Outgoing and friendly since her early years, Tatayanna loves entertaining the people around her and making the most of its life. She opened her TikTok channel in the late 2010s and started her way to popularity by making a video featuring her friend Charli D'Amelio. It is possible to see plenty of interesting stuff like lip-syncing, pranks, POVs, etc on her channel. Tatayanna Mitchell is a talented content creator and, as of the early 2023, there are over 5 million followers on her channel.

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