How old is TheDooo?

TheDooo was born on 21 March 1994.
TheDooo is 30 years old.

How old is TheDooo in days now?

TheDooo is 30 years 7 months 1 day old.
Total 11,173 days old now.

When is the next birthday of TheDooo?

TheDooo's next birthday is in 4 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of TheDooo?

Zodiac sign of TheDooo is Aries.

TheDooo is a successful guitarist and social media personality who is also known as a music producer and YouTube content creator. Born in 1994 in Missouri, he grew up there alongside his family and has been really keen on playing computer games since he was a child. When he was a young teenager, he taught himself to play violin and then guitar. In the early 2010s he went to college to study audio engineering, and continued making music, as well as playing Call of Duty with his friends and promoting his YouTube channel which he launched in 2013. Later in the decade he decided to focus on making and sharing more videos related to music, as well as produce some very good collaborative videos. In the early 2020s his videos started becoming viral, and in the early 2024 there are over 7 million subscribers on his channel. TheDooo has developed a very special style of playing the guitar using a unique tapping technique.

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