How old is Tony Hawk?

Tony Hawk was born on 12 May 1968.
Tony Hawk is 56 years old.

How old is Tony Hawk in days now?

Tony Hawk is 56 years 8 months 28 days old.
Total 20,727 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tony Hawk?

Tony Hawk's next birthday is in 3 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tony Hawk?

Zodiac sign of Tony Hawk is Taurus.

Tony Hawk is an iconic skateboarder and a businessman who is known as the owner of the company Birdhouse. Born Anthony Frank Hawk in 1968 in California, he grew up in a large family, alongside his three siblings and parents. He was a hyperactive child and used to spend a lot of time doing various kinds of sports. Skateboarding was his most favorite and he used to train for hours in that. He starter performing as a skateboarder since the early years and in his high school times he managed to earn enough money to buy a house for himself. He started his professional career in the mid 1990s and shortly after became famous for completing so called "900" trick. He continued performing that trick until he was in his late 40s and was one of the most famous skateboarders for about two decades. He took part in many TV and cinema projects, many charity related events and other ventures. As of the mid 2023, Tony Hawk is also a popular Instagram star, with the number of followers exceeding 6.5 million people.

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