How old is Tristan Tales?

Tristan Tales was born on 21 August 1994.
Tristan Tales is 29 years old.

How old is Tristan Tales in days now?

Tristan Tales is 29 years 8 months 2 days old.
Total 10,838 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tristan Tales?

Tristan Tales's next birthday is in 3 months 29 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tristan Tales?

Zodiac sign of Tristan Tales is Leo.

Tristan Tales is an American social media star who became famous on Snapchat and then continued on YouTube. He was born in 1994 in California and grew up in a large family, alongside his six siblings. That is why Tristan is a very easy-going and friendly person. In his childhood, he loved sports and traveling, and used to spend time playing computer games and hanging out with his friends. After finishing high school Tales worked as a model and took part in commercials of such companies as Red Bull, Coca Cola, and others. He started his first Snapchat account in the early 2010s and became very successful as an interesting content creator. On YouTube, he has been active for about 7 years and has made friends with such social media gurus as Jake Paul, Nick Cannon, Tessa Brooks, Roman Atwood, Chance Sutton, and other members of Team 10. Tales took part in creating an online TV series Boss Cheer. He also has a popular Twitter account which is followed by about a half million people (as of August 2023). Tristan Tales is known for his fascinating videos filmed in various countries of the world.

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