How old is Twan Kuyper?
Twan Kuyper was born on 19 February 1996.
Twan Kuyper is 28 years old.
How old is Twan Kuyper in days now?
Twan Kuyper is 28 years 11 months 21 days old.
Total 10,583 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Twan Kuyper?
Twan Kuyper's next birthday is in 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Twan Kuyper?
Zodiac sign of Twan Kuyper is Pisces.
Twan Kuyper is a famous Dutch YouTuber and media personality known for his cool comedy videos. He was born in 1996 in the Netherlands, he grew up alongside his two siblings who often appear on his videos. In high school, he did some modeling job and wanted to pursue a career in that. However, his online activities as a YouTuber started bringing him more popularity so he is completely focused on that now. As of the early 2024, there are over 1.7 million followers on his eponymous YouTube channel and all of them enjoy watching funny videos, pranks, challenges, and other cool stuff Twan Kuyper keeps posting there. There are over 6.4 million followers of his Instagram account and his photos are very popular because the guy is really handsome.
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