How old is Tyler Blevins?

Tyler Blevins was born on 5 June 1991.
Tyler Blevins is 32 years old.

How old is Tyler Blevins in days now?

Tyler Blevins is 32 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 12,011 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tyler Blevins?

Tyler Blevins's next birthday is in 1 month 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tyler Blevins?

Zodiac sign of Tyler Blevins is Gemini.

Famous for his most subscribed Twitch channel in the media platform history, Tyler Blevins is an active streamer and Internet celebrity known under his favorite alias Ninja. Born in 1991 in Illinois, he has been interested in computer gaming since his early ages. In his high school times Tyler used to work in restaurants to make for his living, but soon his Internet and gaming career started helping him earn money. In 2009 he became a professional player of Halo 3, and currently, he is a member of Luminosity Gaming organization, which is competing in Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Overwatch, and other popular online games. Blevins has a Twitch account with over 17 million followers (as of the early 2023), as well as Instagram and YouTube accounts which are also very popular among the young people. It is estimated that his online activities and streaming help him earn over a half million dollars a month, but Blevins is a known philanthropist and donates a lot of money for various charity or social awareness related projects.

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