How old is WillNE?

WillNE was born on 11 March 1996.
WillNE is 28 years old.

How old is WillNE in days now?

WillNE is 28 years 1 month 8 days old.
Total 10,266 days old now.

When is the next birthday of WillNE?

WillNE's next birthday is in 10 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of WillNE?

Zodiac sign of WillNE is Pisces.

WillNE is a British YouTuber and vlogger who has a very well promoted YouTube channel, as well as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other media accounts. He was born William Ethan Lenney in 1996 in Newcastle and grew up like millions of his peers, loving football, pets, the Internet, and social media websites. He opened his first YouTube account in 2011 and began posting various comments, comedy videos, pranks, and reaction videos which became very popular among young people. He started receiving most of the recognition in the mid 2010s and attracting hundreds of thousands of fans. As of the early 2024, there are over 5 million followers of his WillNE YouTube account. Sometimes his mom and friends are featured in the videos, and sometimes he posts very successful reaction videos on new songs of popular singers like Jacob Sartorius and others. WillNE also has an Instagram page where he posts plenty of pictures of himself and his dog.

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