How old is Yammy xox?

Yammy xox was born on 22 June 1994.
Yammy xox is 29 years old.

How old is Yammy xox in days now?

Yammy xox is 29 years 10 months 3 days old.
Total 10,900 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Yammy xox?

Yammy xox's next birthday is in 1 month 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Yammy xox?

Zodiac sign of Yammy xox is Cancer.

Yammy xox is a popular Internet celebrity and the owner of a Youtube channel ChicksCanGame. Born Yasmin Uddin in 1994 in Leeds, Britain, she grew up alongside her two brothers and one half-brother. Perhaps that is why she is crazy about gaming, Roblox, Minecraft, and so on. When Jasmin was 16 years old she became a mom and gave birth to her lovely son Dante. A year later she opened her first YouTube account where she began posting her comments on gaming and her personal gaming experience. Later on, Jasmin opened one more channel Let's Plays which now has over 2 million followers. She runs one more channel titled missyammyx, which is rather her vlog. Yasmin is well known among the gamers in YouTube since she is a creator of a few online series related to gaming, like Sims 3, Sims 4, Minecraft Eden, Crazy Craft 3.0, etc. She is also a leader of an all-girls gamer group on YouTube. In 2017, Yammy xox married her longtime boyfriend Kyle, who is also a gamer and a YouTuber known as Koil1990.

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