How old is Zach King?

Zach King was born on 4 February 1990.
Zach King is 34 years old.

How old is Zach King in days now?

Zach King is 34 years 2 months 15 days old.
Total 12,493 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Zach King?

Zach King's next birthday is in 9 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Zach King?

Zodiac sign of Zach King is Aquarius.

Zach King is a YouTuber, a Viner, and an Internet star who is famous for his fascinating videos. Born in 1990 in Portland, he grew up in a large family alongside his three sisters. All the children in the family were homeschooled and Zack used to be a really shy teenager. He opened his first social media channel when he was 18. He truly liked making videos and with the time he became good at that, so in the mid-2010s Zack managed to attract over a million followers and received an award for the Best Creativity on Vine. In the late 2010s, he continued promoting his YouTube and TikTok channels and collaborating with his fellow social media stars like Andrew Hales, etc. Zach King is married and has two sons. As of the early 2024, there are over 28 million followers on his Instagram account.

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