How old is Abigail Breslin?
Abigail Breslin was born on 14 April 1996.
Abigail Breslin is 28 years old.
How old is Abigail Breslin in days now?
Abigail Breslin is 28 years 9 months 23 days old.
Total 10,525 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Abigail Breslin?
Abigail Breslin's next birthday is in 2 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Abigail Breslin?
Zodiac sign of Abigail Breslin is Aries.
Abigail Breslin is a child actress and a model who is known for a few roles in American cinema movies. Born in 1996 in NYC to the parents who had to do with TV talent shows, Abigail grew up alongside her two older brothers who are also currently trying themselves as actors as well. As a child, Abigail appeared in several TV commercials like the ones for ToysRUs. Being a very lovely little girl, she was invited to take part in numerous TV shows like Fairfax where she played one of the main characters. So far she has appeared in such TV series as Law & Order, Ghost Whisperer, Family Plan, Grey's Anatomy, and had a main role in the series Scream Queens. Her cinema debut took place in 2002 when she appeared in the movie Signs. So far she has taken part in filming almost three dozens movies and is one of the most promising young actresses of the current decade. Abigail Breslin is also one of the youngest actresses ever nominated for the Academy Award.