How old is Alex Lange?
Alex Lange was born on 3 March 2001.
Alex Lange is 23 years old.
How old is Alex Lange in days now?
Alex Lange is 23 years 11 months 6 days old.
Total 8,744 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Alex Lange?
Alex Lange's next birthday is in 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Alex Lange?
Zodiac sign of Alex Lange is Pisces.
Alex Lange is a young TV actor and social media star. He was born in 2001 in Paris but grew up in the UK, alongside his brother and sister. His parents are of South African and French origin. When Alex was still a child, his family moved again, this time to LA, where the boy was lucky to attract the attention of some producers of TV series. He appeared with a recurring role in Code Back, as well as in one episode of Splitting Up Together and Light as a Feather. Since 2018 he has been taking part in The Unsettling TV series. Alex is a healthy and active lifestyle fan, who also spends a lot of time promoting his social network channels. As of the early 2024, there are about 1.9 million followers on his YouTube channel and he was one of the famous Team 10 created by Jake Paul. About 2.5 million people follow Alex Lange Instagram account. For a few years, he dated popular YouTuber, Bailee Madison.