How old is Alicia Silverstone?
Alicia Silverstone was born on 4 October 1976.
Alicia Silverstone is 48 years old.
How old is Alicia Silverstone in days now?
Alicia Silverstone is 48 years 4 months 7 days old.
Total 17,662 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Alicia Silverstone?
Alicia Silverstone's next birthday is in 7 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Alicia Silverstone?
Zodiac sign of Alicia Silverstone is Libra.
Alicia Silverstone is a talented American actress who has been appearing in the movies for more than two decades. Born in 1976 in California to the British parents, she spent her childhood in a small town of Hillsborough. As a child, Alicia was discovered by fashion scouts and invited to take part in producing some commercials including the ones of Domino's Pizza, as well as did some modeling. Her professional debut took place in the mid 1990s when she appeared in the movie The Crash, and shortly after she became a world famous teenager after appearing in an iconic video of Aerosmith "Cryin". Later in the decade Alicia took part in producing such movies as Clueless or Batman&Robin. During the first two decades of the current century, Silverstone participated in such cinema projects as Blast From The Past, Stormbreaker, Scooby Doo series, Tropic Thunder, Vamps, Gods Behaving Badly, Angels In Stardust, and many more. On TV, Alicia Silverstone is famous for her roles in such TV series as Suburgatory, Jeff And Some Aleins, The Baby Sitters Club, etc. She was married to a musician Chris Jarecki and they have a son named Bear.