How old is Alisha Marie?
Alisha Marie was born on 5 April 1993.
Alisha Marie is 31 years old.
How old is Alisha Marie in days now?
Alisha Marie is 31 years 10 months 6 days old.
Total 11,635 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Alisha Marie?
Alisha Marie's next birthday is in 1 month 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Alisha Marie?
Zodiac sign of Alisha Marie is Aries.
Alisha Marie is an American YouTube star born in 1993 in California. She grew up being very close to her elder sister, and both of the girls were extremely interested in fashion. She opened her first YouTube account in 2008 but started being an active user of it since summer 2011 by posting funny videos and various pranks. Soon, together with her friend Eva Gutowski, Alisha began posting interesting videos and comments about her life, as well as plenty of videos related to fashion and clothing. The series of their videos named Funny Pranks! Roommate Wars! managed to attract millions and millions of viewers. As of the early 2024, her YouTube channel has over 8 million subscribers, and her Instagram account has about 8 million followers. Alisha Marie is a very popular YouTuber who takes part in a variety of joint projects with YouTuber teams and her friends. She is a very positive and active young lady.
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