How old is Eva Gutowski?

Eva Gutowski was born on 29 July 1994.
Eva Gutowski is 30 years old.

How old is Eva Gutowski in days now?

Eva Gutowski is 30 years 7 months 6 days old.
Total 11,179 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Eva Gutowski?

Eva Gutowski's next birthday is in 4 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Eva Gutowski?

Zodiac sign of Eva Gutowski is Leo.

Eva Gutowski is a famous American YouTuber and vlogger, considered to be among the most popular female YouTubers aged 20+. She was born in 1994 in California and grew up alongside her sister Maya. When Eva was a child, she dreamed about becoming a psychologist, but in college, she studied journalism. She started working very early to make a living and opened her first social media accounts on YouTube to share her life experiences. At the beginning of her YouTuber career, she often collaborated with he school friend Alisha Marie. The young ladies posted a number of funny videos and pranks together. Furthermore, she focused on writing about fashion and often teamed up with Clio Zammateo. As of the mid 2024, Eva has two YouTube channels, Mylifeaseva, and Vlogtowski, with about 11 million subscribers each. She also has a popular Instagram account which has a number of followers close to 11 million people. Eva Gutowski is a beautiful and very active young woman, she dated Alex Hayes, Andrew Kingsbury, Adam Bartishesky, and other social media stars.

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