How old is Ansel Elgort?

Ansel Elgort was born on 14 March 1994.
Ansel Elgort is 30 years old.

How old is Ansel Elgort in days now?

Ansel Elgort is 30 years 10 months 28 days old.
Total 11,292 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ansel Elgort?

Ansel Elgort's next birthday is in 1 month 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ansel Elgort?

Zodiac sign of Ansel Elgort is Pisces.

Ansel Elgort is a young American actor and also a DJ, who became famous with a few roles in action movies like Baby Driver or The Fault in Our Stars. He was born in 1994 to the family of a photographer and a stage producer, and Ansel's parents were of European and Russian origins. In his childhood he took dancing (ballet) and acting classes, so he has been appearing on stage since he was in secondary school. His professional career started in 2012, and a year later it was his debut in cinema, with the movie Carrie. In 2014 he played his first notable role in Divergent, and the same year he appeared in The Fault in Our Stars where he portrayed a cancer-sick teenager. In those years Ansel started developing his musical career and recorded a few singles. 2017 became a turning point in his career since he took part in a blockbuster Baby Driver which brought Ansel a nomination for Golden Globe. In 2018, two more successful movies Jonathan and Billionaire Boys Club were released. Ansel Elgort loves painting, playing basketball and skating. He is dating his high school girlfriend Violetta Komyshan. At the end of 2022 he took part in creating a TV show named Tokyo Vice.

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