How old is Anthony Davis?

Anthony Davis was born on 11 March 1993.
Anthony Davis is 31 years old.

How old is Anthony Davis in days now?

Anthony Davis is 31 years 11 months old.
Total 11,660 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Anthony Davis?

Anthony Davis's next birthday is in 1 month.

What is the zodiac sign of Anthony Davis?

Zodiac sign of Anthony Davis is Pisces.

A successful and talented basketball player, Anthony Davis plays as a heavy forward for Los Angele Lakers. He was born in 1993 in Chicago and started his career as a college player in the late 2000s in the University of Kentucky during which he managed to achieve the title of the Consensus National Player of the Year. In the early 2010s the number of his recognitions and awards increased and he was named the most outstanding players of the division. In 2012 he was drafted and picked by the New Orleans Hornets, and that year was very successful for him leading to him taking part in the NBA All-Rookie Team. Anthony continued progressing extremely as a player, and in 2017 he took part in the NBA All Star Game, as well as received the MVP Title there. In 2019 he joined LA Lakers team and continued his career there alongside a great number of NBA stars. Anthony Davis plays for the US National team, and he is known as the first player in the history of the NBA to obtain the titles of the Olympic Games Champion, the NBA Champion, and the FIBA World Cup.

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