How old is Ariana Greenblatt?

Ariana Greenblatt was born on 27 August 2007.
Ariana Greenblatt is 16 years old.

How old is Ariana Greenblatt in days now?

Ariana Greenblatt is 16 years 8 months 7 days old.
Total 6,095 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ariana Greenblatt?

Ariana Greenblatt's next birthday is in 3 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ariana Greenblatt?

Zodiac sign of Ariana Greenblatt is Virgo.

Ariana Greenblatt is a young American TV actress who, despite her young age, has some great experience in cinema and acting. She was born in 2007 in New York City and grew up in Florida, alongside her elder brother. She has been keen on acting since her early childhood and actually started appearing on stage and TV when she was 8. In 2014 she began appearing in a few Nickelodeon and Disney Channel shows like Liv and Maddie, Stuck In The Middle, the series where she played on of the main roles and appeared in 57 episodes. 2017 was the year when Ariana was invited to take part in the projects like the one named Bad Mom's Christmas (with Mila Kunis), and a year later she could be seen taking part in popular TV reality shows like Dancing with the Stars, Entertainment Tonight, etc. Probably her most successful role so far is the one of young Gamora in one of Avengers movie series. There, Ariana starred opposite Josh Brolin (Thanos). There is a large number of projects that Ariana Greenblatt is currently taking part in. She is a very talented girl, with great acting skills and a bright future.

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