How old is Ashton Myler?
Ashton Myler was born on 30 January 2006.
Ashton Myler is 19 years old.
How old is Ashton Myler in days now?
Ashton Myler is 19 years 8 days old.
Total 6,948 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ashton Myler?
Ashton Myler's next birthday is in 11 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ashton Myler?
Zodiac sign of Ashton Myler is Aquarius.
One of the guys from Ninja Kidz TV, Ashton Myler is a talented content creator and a growing YouTube star whose popularity and success as a social media star inspired his brother Paxton Myler and his sister Payton Myler. Ashton came to this world in 2006 and is the second child of the family. His elder brother's name is Bryton Myler and all the children are famous YouTubers. Their youngest brother so far, Kayson Myler is also a member of Ninja Kidz TV. The family started the channel back in 2017 and since then they have been sharing plenty of Power Ranger videos. The kids are nice and cool, the ideas they create are fascinating, and as of the late 2024, the number of their subscribers is exceeding 23 million people. Ashton Myler is often first and best in various challenges, especially as to gymnastics and physical exercises.
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