How old is Ava Clements?

Ava Clements was born on 7 July 2010.
Ava Clements is 14 years old.

How old is Ava Clements in days now?

Ava Clements is 14 years 7 months old.
Total 5,329 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ava Clements?

Ava Clements's next birthday is in 5 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Ava Clements?

Zodiac sign of Ava Clements is Cancer.

Ava Clements is one of the model twins who are known for their amazing natural beauty. Born in 2010 in California, the girls were raised by their parents Kevin and Jaqi Clements alongside their elder brother Chase Robert. All the children in the family are extremely good looking and were supported by their parents to look for their chance in modeling. The girls entered the world of professional modeling when they were young children, and plenty of the companies went in line to receive photos of two really sweet and photogenic for their commercial purposes. Since the mid 2010s the sisters had been present in social media networking sites, with the help of their parents, and it is possible to see plenty of wonderful photos on their Instagram account titled The Clements Twins. There is also the same name blog run by their mum. Millions of people and fans following their accounts and adore the beauty of the girls. Ava Clements loves her pet dog Lucy.

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