How old is Avan Jogia?

Avan Jogia was born on 9 February 1992.
Avan Jogia is 32 years old.

How old is Avan Jogia in days now?

Avan Jogia is 32 years 11 months 28 days old.
Total 12,051 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Avan Jogia?

Avan Jogia's next birthday is in 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Avan Jogia?

Zodiac sign of Avan Jogia is Aquarius.

Avan Jogia is a TV actor from Canada who earns his fame for the roles in TV series Victorious, Twisted, and others. He was born in 1992 in Vancouver and his father is a British Indian while his mom is of European origin. His TV career started in 2006 when Avan played a minor role in A Girl Like Me TV movie, and a year later he obtained a recurring role in Aliens in America series. In the early 2010s, he received a small role in Caprica TV series followed by the lead role in Victorious. Avan also portrayed Danny in Twisted and contributed with his great performance in Tut miniseries. In cinema, Avan Jogia is known for his roles in Nickelodeon movies Rags and Spectacular, I Am Michael and Ten Thousand Saints. Jogia expresses interest in many religions and considers himself a Hindu and Buddhism follower. In the late 2010s he published his own book named Mixed feelings which includes a few really interesting stories and pieces of poetry.

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