How old is Bradley Cooper?
Bradley Cooper was born on 5 January 1975.
Bradley Cooper is 50 years old.
How old is Bradley Cooper in days now?
Bradley Cooper is 50 years 1 month 2 days old.
Total 18,296 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bradley Cooper?
Bradley Cooper's next birthday is in 10 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bradley Cooper?
Zodiac sign of Bradley Cooper is Capricorn.
Bradley Cooper is a famous American actor, a TV show star and a popular celebrity. He was born in 1975 in Pennsylvania, to a family consist of a father of Irish origin and a mother of Italian origin. Bradley received a very strict classic Catholic education and finished Germantown Academy, after which he joined Georgetown University to study the English language. However, right after graduation he immediately started attending drama classes in New York, and he started his professional career in 1999, with playing one of the main roles in Sex and the City. This performance had great success, followed by stunning roles in Wet Hot American Summer, I Want To Marry Ryan Banks, Wedding Crashes, and Failure To Launch. However, real fame came to him after his great performances in Kitchen Confidential, He’s Just Not Into You, The Hangover and especially in The A-Team, released in 2010. Cooper likes sports and yoga. He was married to an American actress and dancer Jennifer Esposito just for 2 months, and then he dated Renee Zellweger. In the late 2010s, Cooper dated a popular model and beauty queen of Russian origins Irina Shayk and they later on welcomed a baby daughter, but then they split up. As of the early 2020s he is focused on writing and directing new movies like Nightmare Alley (2021) and Maestro (2023).