How old is Brian Austin Green?

Brian Austin Green was born on 15 July 1973.
Brian Austin Green is 51 years old.

How old is Brian Austin Green in days now?

Brian Austin Green is 51 years 6 months 27 days old.
Total 18,839 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brian Austin Green?

Brian Austin Green's next birthday is in 5 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brian Austin Green?

Zodiac sign of Brian Austin Green is Cancer.

Brian Austin Green is an American TV actor known for his roles in a few popular TV series like Beverly Hills. Brian was born in 1973 in California, and his parents were amateur country musicians. He started his career by obtaining a role in CBS TV series Knots Landing. Brian portrayed David Silver in Beverly Hills, 90210 and with this character, he appeared in a large number of TV programs and shows. Another notable appearance of Brian Green was in one of the Terminator movie series, where he portrayed John Connor in the future. He also took part briefly in such popular TV series as Smallville, CSI Miami, Freddie, Wedding Bend, and others. One of the latest serious roles of his was in the series Anger Management, where he starred together with Charlie Sheen. Brian Green was married to Megan Fox, and they have 3 sons, but in 2021 the couple divorced. Brian Austin Green is a huge fan of hip-hop and basketball.

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