How old is Brooke Schofield?

Brooke Schofield was born on 26 November 1996.
Brooke Schofield is 28 years old.

How old is Brooke Schofield in days now?

Brooke Schofield is 28 years 2 months 23 days old.
Total 10,311 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brooke Schofield?

Brooke Schofield's next birthday is in 9 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brooke Schofield?

Zodiac sign of Brooke Schofield is Sagittarius.

Brooke Schofield is an actress and podcaster known on such platforms as YouTube. Born in 1996 in Arizona, she was raised by her grandparents in the city of Chandler. She attended the University of Arizona and studied nursing there. However, in 2017 she dropped out in order to pursue a career in acting. A year later she moved to LA in order to join a large number of auditions. Her debut as an actress in 2019 in a movie Leave Him In the Dust, followed by a role in Hook, Line, Sinker. However, in the early 2020s she decided to focus on joining various online projects including some podcasts on YouTube like Cancelled focused on celebrity life and various kinds of gossip. She also often appears in many commercial and advertising projects. In 2024, Brooke Schofield became a host of a podcast Talk Tuah, as well as some other projects of Trisha Paytas. She lives in LA and has dated a number of famous young men like a handsome comedian Matt Rife, a YouTube star Clinton Kane, etc.

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