How old is Chauncey Billups?
Chauncey Billups was born on 26 September 1976.
Chauncey Billups is 48 years old.
How old is Chauncey Billups in days now?
Chauncey Billups is 48 years 4 months 14 days old.
Total 17,668 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chauncey Billups?
Chauncey Billups's next birthday is in 7 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chauncey Billups?
Zodiac sign of Chauncey Billups is Libra.
Chauncey Billups is an American former NBA player and currently a coach for the Portland Trail Blazers who is known under his nickname Mr Big Shot. He was born in 1976 in Colorado and started his professional career as a point guard at a college of the University of Colorado Boulder where his average results were 18.5 points, 5.1 assists, and 5.6 rebounds per game. In 1997 he was drafted by the Boston Celtics where he spent his first NBA season. Later on, after playing for the Toronto Raptors and the Denver Nuggets, he spent 2 seasons in the Minnesota Timberwolves and then settled down in the Detroit Pistons. In the mid 2000s he led the team coached by Larry Bird at the time to the NBA finals where they managed to beat the legendary Los Angeles Lakers and where he received the NBA Finals MVP title. Later in his career as a player he was the team member of such teams as the NY Knicks and LA Clippers, but eventually Billups finished his career in the Detroit Pistons in 2014. To honor his contribution in the team's success, the Pistols retired No 1 T-shirt. In the early 2020 Chauncey Billups started his career as a coach of the LA clippers, firstly as an assistant, and then the next year as the main coach of the Portland Trail Blazers. He is married and has 3 daughters. In the mid 2024, it was reported that Billups would be introduced in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.