How old is China Anne McClain?

China Anne McClain was born on 25 August 1998.
China Anne McClain is 25 years old.

How old is China Anne McClain in days now?

China Anne McClain is 25 years 8 months 11 days old.
Total 9,386 days old now.

When is the next birthday of China Anne McClain?

China Anne McClain's next birthday is in 3 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of China Anne McClain?

Zodiac sign of China Anne McClain is Virgo.

China Anne McClain is a young American singer and actress famous for her work in sitcom House of Payne. She was born in 1998 in Georgia and grew up in a large family, alongside her two sisters and brother. All the children of the family are really talented and received very good training in dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, etc. In 2004, China and her sisters formed a group named McClains, and as their father is a music producer, the sisters received plenty of support. They recorded their first songs for various projects of Disney Channel, including A.N.T. Farm TV series, etc. China started her acting career at the age of 7 by appearing in the movie The Gospel. So far, she has appeared in about 16 movies, with Daddy's Little Girls, Grown Ups, Barbershop, Blood Brother, and others. On TV, China Anne McClain contributed with her acting to a large number of TV series including Tyler Perry's House of Payne, A.N.T. Farm, Descendants: Wicked World, and others. Currently, she can be seen in a new TV series Black Lightning.

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