How old is Chris Colfer?
Chris Colfer was born on 27 May 1990.
Chris Colfer is 34 years old.
How old is Chris Colfer in days now?
Chris Colfer is 34 years 9 months 8 days old.
Total 12,703 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chris Colfer?
Chris Colfer's next birthday is in 2 months 20 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chris Colfer?
Zodiac sign of Chris Colfer is Gemini.
Chris Colfer is an American actor, musician and writer, who gained his popularity for the work in such TV series as Glee. Colfer was born in 1990 in California, to the parents of Irish origins. He grew up in a small city, alongside his two siblings, and since his childhood, he has had a true passion for writing. He used to show his stories to his grandma who was his first editor and critic. It was her who made Chris love singing and used to engage his singing in a church chorus. In high school, Chris started showing interest in writing plays and staging those, thus at the end of the 2000s, Colfer started being involved in the community theater where he took part in a number of plays. In 2009 he received an offer to join the cast of Glee and the TV series have made Chris famous. For his performance, Chris received a few high awards like the Golden Globe Award, the Best Supporting Actor Award, and others. While working on the filming, Colfer wrote a series of books The Land of Stories which includes 6 books which all became bestsellers. He released in total over a dozen books and is considered to be one of the most modern day's sci-fi writers. Chris Colfer is also an avid social life activist in a variety of matters related to animal right protection, poverty, the issues related to minorities, and many others.