How old is CloudyApples?

CloudyApples was born on 19 December 1990.
CloudyApples is 33 years old.

How old is CloudyApples in days now?

CloudyApples is 33 years 10 months 3 days old.
Total 12,361 days old now.

When is the next birthday of CloudyApples?

CloudyApples's next birthday is in 1 month 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of CloudyApples?

Zodiac sign of CloudyApples is Sagittarius.

CloudyApples is a famous gaming YouTube channel that is ran by a Canadian female gamer. Her name is Kassima and she was born in 1990 in Vancouver. Her parents have Chinese, British, Italian, and other origins. CloudyApples grew up in Singapore and her extreme love for computer gaming started in her early teen ages. She opened her YouTube account in 2011 but at first, was quite reluctant about using it and did not post many videos until late 2013 when Kassima began uploading various gaming-related stuff often. The videos are fascinating and interesting, so currently, the number of followers of her channel is exceeding a half million people. CloudyApples is a very good looking girl and she is becoming more and more popular. She has recently collaborated with Shakira on one of her videos.

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