How old is Coco Jones?

Coco Jones was born on 4 January 1998.
Coco Jones is 26 years old.

How old is Coco Jones in days now?

Coco Jones is 26 years 4 months 1 day old.
Total 9,618 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Coco Jones?

Coco Jones's next birthday is in 7 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Coco Jones?

Zodiac sign of Coco Jones is Capricorn.

Coco Jones is a cinema and TV actress who has also tried herself in singing and songwriting. Born in 1998 in South Carolina, she spent her childhood in the city of Lebanon in Tennessee. Her father is a professional ice-hockey player, and her mom is a singer, thus, Coco started singing and performing on stage at a very early age. When she was 8 years old, she appeared in a singing competition on Disney Radio and sang a song named "Real You". In 2008 Coco released her first studio album of songs for Disney shows. When she was 13, she started appearing on Disney channel as a participant of some shows or TV Series for kids like So Random!, Let It Shine, etc. He charisma and talent for acting attracted a lot of public attention, and Coco became an independent professional actress when she was 17. In the mid 2010s she released her first single and continued to work on TV by taking part in such projects as Five Points, Flock of Four, Vapires vs the Bronx, etc. As a singer she collaborated with the stars like MattyB, Nia Sioux, Futuristic, etc. In the early 2020s, Coco Jones kept releasing new singles. She can be found in social networking sites, in particular, on Instagram where the number of her fans is close to one million people, as of the late 2023.

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