How old is Daniel Gillies?

Daniel Gillies was born on 14 March 1976.
Daniel Gillies is 48 years old.

How old is Daniel Gillies in days now?

Daniel Gillies is 48 years 10 months 24 days old.
Total 17,862 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Daniel Gillies?

Daniel Gillies's next birthday is in 1 month 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Daniel Gillies?

Zodiac sign of Daniel Gillies is Pisces.

Daniel Gillies is a famous Canadian actor and movie director of New Zealandean origins who became known to the general public by his great performance in the iconic TV series The Vampire Diaries. Born in 1976 in Winnipeg, he was raised by his parents in the city of Hamilton, New Zealand. Despite the strict expectations of his family for Daniel to become a doctor, he decided to try himself in acting claiming that medicine was not his cup of tea. He started by appearing in some local movies and TV series like Street Legal where he played one of the main roles. In his early 20s he moved to Australia and catch an opportunity to find a way to the US. Since the early 2000s he has been living and working in California, and in 2004 he was lucky to be invited to join the cast of Spider-Man 2 movie where he appeared alongside Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. Later on he took part in filming such movies as Bride and Prejudice, Captivity, Occupation Rainfall, etc. However, Daniel Grilles is much more successful TV series actor as he can be seen in such epic series as The Vampire Diaries, Saving Hope, The Originals, Virgin River, and so on. He was married to an actress Rachael Leigh Cook and the couple has 2 children, but they got divorced in 2019.

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